The Building Migration Partnerships (BMP) project – A platform for applying the Global Approach to Migration to the Eastern and South-Eastern Regions Neighbouring the European Union funded by the European Commission and led by the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic together with ministries of interiors of Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia was implemented from May 2009 to June 2011.
The overall objective of the project was to gather information necessary for translation of the Joint Declaration agreed at the Prague Ministerial Conference “Building Migration Partnerships” on 27-28 of April 2009 into action, as well to contribute to the negotiation and conclusion of “Migration Partnerships” between the Prague Ministerial Conference participating states by combining policy dialogue at ministerial level with concrete policy development at senior expert level.
The project aimed to ensure political support and endorsement for its activities at level of competent ministries of all participating partners and beneficiaries.

Specific objectives included:
- development of the “Migration Partnership Strategies” at senior expert level – thought conduction of a comprehensive, thorough and structured analysis of each partner’ s migration management objectives and priorities, were identified concrete migration partnership objectives and developed recommendation for the subsequent implementation of these objectives;
- conduction of the “Migration Partnership Mappings” at senior working level – through identification of related initiatives and projects, which were implemented at bi – and multilateral levels, was possible to compile a tool box with concrete practices that have proven to be successful, and to transfer them into the context of the proposed action;
- elaboration of the “Migration Profiles” – seeking to identify and collect existing information in the areas of labour market situation, labour force demand and supply in sending and receiving countries; present or potential skill shortages in sending and receiving countries by sector and occupation; and size and structure of migration-related financial flows between countries (including remittances), a number of the Extended Migration Profiles were produced and made available for download on the I-map platform – accessible at;
- development of the IT-based information gathering and exchange tool on the migration situation along the Eastern migration route (Interactive map – I-map).
The Prague Process: continuation of the Building Migration Partnerships dialogue (BMP Transitional), funded and led by Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia, was implemented in the period July 2011 - August 2012 with the aim to prepare the Second Prague Process Ministerial Conference in Poznan on 4 November 2011, the Action Plan and to maintain and update the Knowledge Base.