Enhancing cooperation among the Prague Process states

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Policy Talk 'Looking into 2025: What migration-related developments to expect?'

Tuesday, 28 January 2025, 10:30 - 12:00

Location: Zoom


Continuing the Prague Process tradition of beginning the year with strategic reflections, Jean-Louis De Brouwer, Director of the European Affairs Program at the Egmont Institute, and Ralph Genetzke, Director of the ICMPD Brussels Mission, will convene again to discuss the key migration policy developments of 2024 and share their expectations for 2025.

Following the adoption of the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum, Member States now face various challenges in implementing it. Amidst the electoral successes of anti-immigration parties, as well as the witnessed conflicts and crises across the EU’s neighbourhood, the EU has also been intensifying its migration diplomacy with key partner countries. The panellists will assess the continued efforts to counter irregular migration, migrant smuggling and human trafficking, the new dynamics of return policy and partnerships with third countries in the context of the political priorities of the new Commission. The discussion will further aim to address the legal status of displaced Ukrainians in the EU, plans to boost legal migration channels, and other migration policy developments to expect in 2025.

How to participate:

Please register to the event through the link: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN__LcafwRjRWubHJqzoUU0FQ#/registration. Once your registration is approved, you will receive the link to the virtual room. Should you not receive the confirmation email with the link, please contact the Prague Process Secretariat.

The Webinar will be held in English with simultaneous interpretation into Russian. The approximate duration is 1,5 hours, including the Q&A session.

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