As the year comes to an end, we are pleased to present the new edition of the Quarterly Review for the last quarter of 2024. This issue presents the latest activities and outputs, while reflecting on a milestone year for the Prague Process.
In this issue:
- Editorial
- Looking ahead: upcoming Prague Process activities
- State Perspectives: Reflections on 15 years of Prague Process cooperation and way ahead
- Study Visit to the Kyrgyz Republic: A collaborative exchange on migration management
- Highlights from the Joint Prague Process & EMN Luxembourg Workshop on forecasting and new technologies in migration and asylum governance
- Insights from the 7th International Border Management Conference
- Advancing Reintegration: Highlights from the Prague Process Training Workshop
- Strengthening cooperation in Tajikistan on International Migrants Day
- GDISC Annual Conference
- Webinar ‘From Virtual Walls to Digital Bridges? Technology in Migrant Pathways and Integration’
- Migration Observatory: Publications in 2024 and country factsheets
- Training Academy: Available e-courses
- Reading Recommendations