21 November 2019
A study on the profile of Georgian diaspora and migrant communities in Greece, Italy and Spain is one of the outcomes of the EU-funded ‘Sustaining Migration Management in Georgia’ (ENIGMMA 2) project implemented by ICMPD.
The study follows the specific objective of the Component 2 of the project to implement joint measures to mitigate, target and address identified and possible migration-related risks of visa liberalisation in Georgia and the EU Member States by providing support to Georgian migrants abroad. To this end, the report describes the existing provisions of the national migration legislation in the three destination countries - EU member states (Greece, Italy and Spain), and analyses the profile of Georgian diaspora, including their expressed needs, interests and challenges. Further, the study discusses how the situation of Georgian migrants in the three destination countries has changed after the enactment of the visa-free regime between Schengen countries and Georgia.
The study is based on desk research, information gathered during the assessment and exchange missions to Greece, Italy and Spain, meetings with the national stakeholders in Georgia and destination countries, interviews and focus group discussions with the representatives of Georgian diaspora organisations and active diaspora members, Georgian state institutions and diplomatic representations, as well as subsequent analysis of collected data.
This report follows the following structure: