Enhancing cooperation among the Prague Process states

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Pilot Project 2

The purpose of the Pilot project 2 was to share experiences and best practices in organising labour migration. The project in particular looked at improving information flow towards potential migrants on available legal migration channels with a view to promoting labour matching. The main intention was to bring closer countries of origin and destination with a view to discussing common interests as well as identifying practical difficulties. As the better management of legal migration is the best tool to fight illegal migration more emphasis should be put on the legal channels in order to ensure prevention of illegal movements.

The project offered unique opportunity to the participating countries to exchange experience and information within the framework of several workshops as well as to visit non-EU partner countries and EU countries to that end. As a result participating countries were able to strengthen their cooperation and improve their capacities in the area.

Due to the proximity of the topics, the workshops of Pilot Project 2 and Pilot Project 3 were organised jointly and also the outcome of both Pilot Projects is joint. The work thus resulted in the joint Prague Process Handbook on Managing Labour and Circular Migration.

Implementation period: August 2012 – October 2014.

Leading & Participating States

Leading State: Hungary

Participating States: Albania, Armenia, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Finland, Georgia, Kosovo (UNSCR 1244/1999), Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Sweden, Tajikistan, Ukraine; IOM.


  • Joint Kick-off Workshop on Pilot Projects 2 and 3 (Budapest, 25-26 September 2012)
  • 2nd Joint Workshop on Pilot Projects 2 and 3 (Prague, 7-8 February 2013)
  • Expert mission to Belarus within Pilot project 2 and Specific Objective 2 (Knowledge Base), 21-25 October 2013
  • PP2 Expert Mission to Kyrgyzstan, 11-13 March 2014
  • Joint PP2 and PP3 Expert Level Workshop, Yerevan, Armenia, 6-7 May 2014
  • Study visit within Pilot Project 2 to Finland, 3-5 June
  • Joint PP2 and PP3 Concluding Workshop, Prague, 25-26 September 2014

 Pilot Project 6

The topic of this Pilot Project corresponds to the specific action 6 (“To promote an exchange of students and researchers between higher education institutes of the Parties”) of Chapter III – Addressing legal migration and mobility with a special emphasis on labour migration. The overall objective of the proposed Pilot Project is to explore and discuss current policies concerning the cross-border mobility of students in the Prague Process region with the aim of identifying good practices and policy recommendations for promoting student exchange among participating states.

Specific objective 1: To identify and share good practices and challenges in the policy-making, implementing and promoting the exchange of students between higher education institutes of the Parties, both between EU and non-EU states and among non-EU states.

Specific objective 2: To explore and analyse the existing legal and procedural framework regulating students mobility between Prague Process participating states and to assess it with a view to its impact on the socio-economic development in countries of origin and destination, examining the labour market implications of student mobility in countries of origin and destination; the possible effects of encouraging employment in the host country after the end of studies and its relation to brain drain and brain waste; and examining the measures to encourage return after finishing the studies etc.

Specific objective 3: To develop guidelines, including concrete recommendations and good practices on how to organise and manage students´ mobility in an efficient and mutually beneficial way. Guidelines will primarily target policymakers in Prague Process participating states.

The project offers unique opportunity to the participating countries to exchange experience and information within the framework of several workshops. As a result participating countries will be able to strengthen their cooperation and improve their capacities in the area.

Implementation period: November 2014 – April 2016

Leading & Participating States

Leading States: Czech Republic and Hungary

Participating States: Albania, Armenia, Belarus, Czech Republic, Georgia, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Portugal, Russia, Turkey


In order to learn more about Pilot Project 2 and 6, please contact the Project Officer, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


  • PP6 Kick-off Meeting, Budapest, 22-23 January 2015
  • PP6 Second Workshop, Moscow, 23-24 June 2015
  • Study visit to Portugal, Lisbon & Porto, 13 -15 October 2015
  • PP6 Concluding Workshop , Prague, 4-5 February 2016