The Kick-off workshop of the Specific Objective 2 – Knowledge Base of the Prague Process Targeted Initiative (PP TI) was organised together with the Consortium for Applied Research on International Migration for the East (CARIM East) project (implemented by the Migration Policy Centre) and the Global Governance Programme of the European University Institute (EUI) from Florence, Italy. The joint event was structured in two main sessions. The first part (21-23 of January) – the executive training “Migration in the EU and its Neighbourhood” – was organised by the EUI as a venue to analyse and discuss the interactions of the regions of origin and the regions of destinations; migration policies and the regulation of migration; as well as processes of integration. The second part of the joint event (23-24 of January) was organised as a “Workshop on data gathering and analysis” which focused on the Knowledge Base of Prague Process Targeted Initiative, its history, future as well as cooperation with the partner states towards the establishment of mutual understanding of migration categories as well as the purpose of the Migration Profiles to be developed (or updated) in the PP TI.The event hosted participants from the following countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Kyrgyzstan, Republic of Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russian Federation, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, representatives of ICMPD (as the support team of PP TI) as well as representatives of academia