Following the agreement reached during the Senior Officials’ Meeting (Budapest, July 2015) last year on publication of the developed Migration Profiles even if official endorsement has not been obtained within a period of three months after a formal submission to migration authorities of given state, as many as five Migration Profiles Light of the Republic of Belarus, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and the Russian Federation were published on the Prague Process website.
All five profiles have been prepared by the Secretariat of the Prague Process based on the available public sources and, where applicable, information provided by a given state within PP TI activities, and are published as draft documents, which cannot be considered as reflecting the official position of the respective countries. Each country has a right to harmonise and update the profile in line with their national standards and requirements and submit the officially endorsed profile for publication.
All profiles are available for download in English and Russian in the section Migration Profiles, from the Overview table of the section Migration Profile Light, as well as from the general Document Repository. The Repository has a special 'migration profiles' icon at the top, which allows to swiftly filter the documents and find the needed Migration Profile.