23-28 June, Budapest, Hungary
From 23rd to 28th of June 2013 representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus participated in the PP4 study visit organised and hosted by Hungary. The aim of this study visit was to acquaint delegates with the asylum system of Hungary and the EU in general. In 4 days, the Belarusian delegation visited several institutions, which are dealing with different aspects of asylum and related issues. Among these institutions were: Ministry of Interior of Hungary, Migration Service, the Office for Foreigners of the Border Control Department of National Police of Hungary, Budapest airports facilities, Child care unit of the fifth District in Budapest, reception centre for minors in Fot, reception centre for asylum seekers in Debrecen, a centre for detained foreigners in Nyirbator, and integration centre in Bicske. The study visit was structured in a way that allowed to look at existing legal system (including, Hungarian legislation and procedural aspects of asylum related issues) and at organisational system (how employees of above mentioned institutions work with asylum seekers/illegal migrants, as well as how asylum seekers/illegal migrants live and how asylum seekers are being assisted), to touch upon complex issues such as dealing with detained foreigners to be deported or issue of successful integration in Hungarian society.The study visit demonstrated interest of the Republic of Belarus in further improvement of the national system in the sphere of international protection of asylum seekers. As a result, the study visit material will be used to prepare a proposal for improvement of the legislation system of the Republic of Belarus in the sphere of forced migration.