The second Prague Process webinar “The impact of the Corona-crisis on migration” with Professor Rainer Münz took place on 15 May 2020.
The webinar addressed possible scenarios of how labour migration might evolve in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Effects distinguished between several groups such as migrant workers prevented from leaving or entering a country because of travel restrictions; migrants becoming unemployed as a result of the recession triggered by anti-COVID 19 measures and irregular migrants living in COVID 19 affected countries. Professor Rainer Muenz discussed how past labour shortages witnessed until recently in many countries of destination were to be understood in the context of the simultaneous explosion of unemployment rates and rapid digital transformation of work. He also compared the current situation with related experiences from the financial, public debt and banking crises 2008-2010.
The webinar recording is available in two formats: the first only contains the presentation of Prof. Münz, while the second one represents the full-length video recording of the webinar, entailing also the Q&A session.
To watch the shorter version, please go here
To watch the full-length video, please go here
To read more about the possible scenarios of how migration can look in the future, please see the Prague Process Policy brief "How will migration to Europe look in the Future? Trends, open questions and four plausible scenarios" authored by Prof. Münz.