Enhancing cooperation among the Prague Process states

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The EU-Belarus Mobility Partnership: The Way Forward

The Mobility Partnership opens up new perspectives for potential cooperation between the signatory EU Member States and the Republic of Belarus. It brings an opportunity to develop a comprehensive migration policy, and to ensure the safe movement of migrants and their social and legal protection. The full potential of the Mobility Partnership is yet to be mobilized. It could provide incentives to improve labour migration legislation, further expand educational programs, pave the way to visa liberalisation or see the launch of new projects on migration.

The new policy brief "The EU-Belarus Mobility Partnership: The Way Forward" authored by Anastacia Bobrova analyses the implementation of the individual policy areas addressed by the Mobility Partnership and outlines a set of corresponding recommendations.

To preview and download the brief please use this link.

Moreover, our Repository contains the latest publications of the Migration Observatory and Training Academy of the Prague Process.
