Enhancing cooperation among the Prague Process states

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The Prague Process launches its E-Learning Platform

The Prague Process Training Academy is entering a new phase by launching the E-learning Platform.

The platform is meant to serve the Prague Process states and partners with educational material for self-paced independent remote learning on migration and asylum. In times when in-person learning is reduced, e-learning tools become a safe and effective alternative to face-to-face classroom settings offering a convenient way for busy professionals to gain, enrich or refresh knowledge on migration matters.

The platform currently hosts three online courses on labour migration, identification and profiling, and integrated border management (IBM). The first two courses feature a series of short videos, quizzes and further readings. Meanwhile, the IBM course comprises rich written material with quizzes. All courses are available in English and Russian and can be repeated multiple times and adjusted to individual schedules without the risk to lose progress. Upon completing a course, successful participants receive a certificate of completion.

In order to access courses, users should register on the platform and enrol in the courses of their choice. The registration process is simple and straightforward, and the enrolment is done in one click. You are invited to watch a short explainer video to get around.

The platform will soon contain new courses.

Should you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Prague Process Secretariat at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
