Enhancing cooperation among the Prague Process states

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Ministers of the Prague Process states adopt a Joint Declaration and Action Plan to boost cooperation on migration

Photo (c) CZ PRES 2022

On 24-25 October, at the Fourth Prague Process Ministerial Conference, Ministers and high-level officials from the Prague Process countries endorsed a Joint Declaration and Action Plan 2023-2027, which shall sustain and expand the Prague Process cooperation in the coming years. Organised by the Czech Presidency of the Council of the European Union in Prague, the conference allowed the Parties to discuss the most pressing migration issues and agree on a joint way forward in addressing them.

The ministers recognised the severe security, political, economic and social implications of the war in Ukraine, and expressed their concern over the scale and the humanitarian situation of the forcibly displaced populations, as well as the increase in irregular migration along the Western Balkan migration route. The threats and risks arising from hybrid warfare, climate change or the COVID-19 pandemic also call for additional capacities and synergies.

As noted by Mr Vít Rakušan, First  Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior of the Czech Republic: “The discussion confirmed that the situation in Ukraine, displacement of Syrians, Afghans and other issues are of common concern. We can expect the coming winter and the years to come to be challenging for the Prague Process countries. The deteriorating situation may lead to the increase in migration flows. The current challenges can be best resolved together and this is the Prague Process commitment too.”

The Parties decided to widen the scope of their joint work, signifying the commitment to deepen the established cooperation, while recognising present realities and pressing challenges that require joint solutions. They also have called for more operational collaboration, including through sharing of information, capacity building, modern technologies and digitalisation. The Prague Process Migration Observatory and Training Academy shall expand existing capacities and enhance the resilience of the Parties, allowing them to react quickly and flexibly to emerging challenges.

Next steps

During the Conference, Ministers expressed their desire and commitment to put forward comprehensive initiatives. The newly endorsed Action Plan will allow for the joint development and implementation of concrete actions in the next five years.  

Press Conference

Video credit (c) CZ PRES 2022
