Tenth Meeting of Global & (Inter)Regional Consultative Processes on Migration: regional contributions to the global discussion on migration and sustainable development
On 9 June 2023, the Prague Process Secretariat attended the Tenth Meeting of Global and (Inter)Regional Consultative Processes on Migration. Chairs and Secretariats of the inter-state consultation mechanisms on migration (ISCM) spanning all world continents gathered in Geneva to deliberate on such migration-related topics as climate change, health and sustainable development, and discuss possible ISCM partnerships and joint inputs to global policy fora.
With ISCMs playing a pivotal role in addressing migration-related challenges and ensuring sustainable development, ISCMs present at the meeting showcased their commitment to advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through their respective regional and thematic focuses. It has been widely acknowledged that migration can help achieve development outcomes and fulfil the aspirations of those who move and the societies they join, as well as those who stay behind. While almost every ISCM addresses migration and development as its thematic focus, several SDG targets stand out as priorities for most. These include planned and well-managed migration policies, migrant workers’ rights, migrant remittances, student mobility, resilience to climate events, as well as actions combatting trafficking with a focus on women, girls and children.
Recognising climate change as a significant migration driver, ISCMs discussed their role in addressing this global challenge. Various processes shared their ongoing activities related to climate change and migration, underscoring the importance of awareness-raising, sustainable responses and proactive measures.
The meeting exemplified the importance of collaboration, knowledge sharing, and collective action. By fostering dialogue and exchanging best practices, these processes contribute significantly to shaping regional and global migration policies. Moreover, by leveraging their unique perspectives and experiences, ISCMs work towards more inclusive, sustainable, and rights-based migration governance.