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Report on the Baseline Study on Migration Data Management in Azerbaijan

A Baseline Study on Migration Data Management in Azerbaijan has been published by the EU-funded MOBILAZE 2 project. The study was conducted by ICMPD and EU member states experts. The main objective of this study is to provide comprehensive insight into the current state and practices of migration data management in the Republic of Azerbaijan, with a particular focus on the existing procedures and tools available for data collection, analysis and application. The particular gaps and needs observed in this regard are then laid out and recommendations for improvement are given. The MOBILAZE 2 project team would like to thank all participating Azerbaijani state institutions who gave their valuable insight and recommendations for this study.

Download the report in English here.

Authors: Anne Herm, Könül Jafarova, Michel Poulain

This document was produced with the financial support of the European Union. The contents of this Publication are the sole responsibility of ICMPD and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.
